Posts tagged how to get a shiny goldendoodle
Secrets To A Shiny & Healthy Goldendoodle Coat

If you’ve ever wondered how to keep your furry friend’s coat looking radiant and healthy, you’ve come to the right place! Today we’re sharing some secrets to unlock the Golden Glow!

  1. Regular Brushing: Brushing your Goldendoodle regularly is an absolute must! Not only does it prevent matting and tangling, but it also helps distribute their natural oils, giving their coat that luxurious shine. Plus, it's a great bonding activity for you and your pup! This is the slicker brush we use and love!

  2. Omega 3: Adding omega-3 fatty acids to your Goldendoodle's diet can work wonders for their coat's health. Whether it's through fish oil supplements or incorporating fish like salmon into their meals, omega-3 helps promote a soft and shiny coat from within.

  3. Frequent Grooming: Getting your Goldendoodle groomed regularly will help maintain their coat's health. Pupwell Kit + Education Class (use MLF at checkout to save) helps you groom your doodle from your own home and saves you time and money at the groomers.

  4. Bathing Routine: Establishing a regular bathing routine is key to keeping your Goldendoodle's coat squeaky clean and smelling fresh. Opt for a gentle, hypoallergenic shampoo that won't strip away their natural oils. Remember, too much bathing can dry out their skin. Studies recommend bathing doodles every 4-6 weeks but it can vary depending on coat, lifestyle, etc. Pro tip: brushing before bath time helps remove any loose fur and tangles!

  5. Probiotics: Did you know that a healthy gut can contribute to a healthy coat? By adding probiotics in your Goldendoodle's diet it can improve their digestion and nutrient absorption, leading to a silky healthy coat. Talk to your vet about the best probiotic options for your goldendoodle.

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